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VFX & 3D-Animation für Werbespots & digitale Kampagnen – Hochmoderne Special Effects, CGI & Motion Design für Markeninszenierung. - VFX & 3D animation for commercials & digital campaigns – cutting-edge special effects, CGI & motion design for brand storytelling.

Hermann Vaske

Creative Legend

Grafikdesign & Motion Graphics für Werbung, Social Media & Corporate Design – Hochwertige Visuals für digitale & gedruckte Werbemittel. - Graphic design & motion graphics for advertising, social media & corporate design – high-quality visuals for digital & print marketing materials.
Fotografie & Printproduktionen für hochwertige Branding-Materialien – Professionelle Shootings & Druckmedien für Unternehmen & Kampagnen. - Photography & Print Productions for High-Quality Branding Materials – Professional shoots & print media for companies & campaigns.
In einer Premium-Fotoproduktion setzten wir Produkte & Models mit kreativen Lichtkonzepten & kunstvoller Inszenierung in Szene. - In a premium photo production, we showcased products & models with creative lighting concepts and artistic staging.

Why Are You Creative?

We are proud to support creative legend Hermann Vaske again in the post-production process of his latest Film "Creativo Paradiso", exploring a new creative renaissance. Featuring Blixa Bargeld, Lilith Stangenberg as well as some of the most influential artists of our time. Setting into motion some original artworks by Jonathan Meese was a highlight in this project and we are happy to see this one hit the theaters soon.

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with cooperation

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